Monday, March 25, 2013

Thank you to all who've supported this concept and endeavor from the beginning to now.  I don't say beginning to end because I know that this very well may not be the end of Grawlix Poetry.  There are some incredible artists out there, as we see browsing through our submissions, and we're honored to be part of this global community. 

However, as of now, Grawlix has just become too time consuming.  Elliot and I both have wives, kids, full-time jobs, and full-time projects aside from this one.  I'm working on new stage plays as well as a novel and Elliot has honed in on his drawing super-powers to eventually infiltrate the tattoo world.  This was great fun and I'm thrilled at how widely it was received, but for now we are barring submissions.  I mean, if I get a second, I'll still browse through and read and respond if I see anything I love, so for the simple purpose of sharing, feel free.  But as far as printing, posting, shooting, and uploading, not so much.  Thank you again.  You're all treasures.  Make peace with the pain of being who you are and never stop.  Cheers!

Jeremy Johnson (Schofield Alan)
Elliot Ian Ross